Sunday, February 23, 2025
الرئيسيةCollege LifeMake Your Own Herb Garden In Your Apartment

Make Your Own Herb Garden In Your Apartment

The secret to having a place that feels like home is the small touches that add personality to your space. A DIY herb garden in cute containers is a super easy way to do just that. Not only does growing plants have good mental health side benefits, fresh herbs are ideal for cooking (if you do) or you can grow mint for tea. It’s a great way to make a teeny tiny apartment feel like yours.

My coffee mugs are full of memories from places friends, family and I have traveled. After breaking my favorite mug, a container herb garden was the perfect way to re-purpose. It adds a little personality to any room and it’s green—reusing something that would otherwise get thrown out.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Make sure you’re planting at the right time of the year. Too close to winter and your herbs won’t start growing because of frost. The best time to plant is late spring.
  • Get the right dirt—it’s the foundation for your herb garden! You can buy potting soil at most home improvement stores.
  • Decide what containers you want your herb garden in. I love my coffee mugs, but there are also options at Goodwill or the dollar section at Target. Just make sure it isn’t too small so your plants’ roots have room. One plant per medium/large coffee mug is a good rule of thumb.

Now, the easy part:

  • Buy seeds or seedlings of whatever herbs you’d like to plant in your herb garden. Basil, oregano and mint are some of the easiest herbs to grow (and use in recipes, double win.)
  • Fill your container with dirt, make a little space in the middle for your seedling or seeds and press dirt around it.
  • Give each plant in your herb garden a small amount of water daily. Enough to keep the soil damp, but don’t let it get soggy.
  • Reap the rewards of your green thumb! Make sure to harvest from the right part of the plant (it varies) and freeze or dry herbs so that they keep longer. Once you’ve mastered one or two types, branch out and diversify your herb garden for a variety of flavors.

Now sit back and enjoy your cute new mood-boosting, living décor!

image via Jocelyn Hsu


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